Need writing help? Or more accurately, finding stuff to write about?
Have you experienced any of the following?:
You. Are. Not. Alone. And I'm not talking about ghosts... or maybe I should be?
We are at an exciting time in blogging history. Gone are the days of blank screens and blinking cursors. Scratching your head until it hurts when nothing comes to mind... have you been there?
Yes? Well, there's no need to go through that hellish torture any longer!
Since early 2023, there's been a ton of new apps released... all with the intention of "helping you write better with AI." Some were good. Most were not.
But lately, I came across Ghost Craft. You know, as in a ghostwriter? Well, the name fits because we're now able to craft content that actually fits our audience to a "T," and at a much faster pace.
And that's the good news.
Yep, I've nothing "bad" to say about Ghost Writer. Other AI-assisted writing apps produce content, yeah, but the age-old problem is knowing what to write about, right? How do all those bloggers know what to write about? Do they have some super-human power?
As it turns out - yes. They got "smart help." Ghost Craft help.
Articles are hitting the web at breakneck speed. But gone are the days of hitting page one SERPs since Google kicked us all in the butt. I'm kinda glad they did because it forced me to market myself "smartly" instead of using a "willy-nilly shot-gun approach." But I digress, sorry.
It's taken me a long time (far too long, really) to accept that you have to be focused. I really thought I was TBH - well, for a couple of weeks at a time - then I'd move on to the next "shiny object."
👉 STOP THE MADNESS, you hear?
It's all about being laser focused and getting found. Google aren't "there" any more for small blogs; there's nothing "in it" for them.
First of all, it's producing a page someone wants to read, that's been thought-out, and is well executed. Of course we have keywords in it, but those KW-stuffing days are over. So if you were at all like me, waiting for Google to hand over visitors left, right, and center, then you know that ain't happening.
It's time to get social. I heard you groan. Yep, Facebook and Pinterest are having a huge "revival" right now. I was a tad slow out the gate, but I'm catching up. I now have "proper" Pinterest accounts with Board Names that mean something. And my Facebook pages are gaining growth. But more about those findings in another post via the "Inside Scoop." What? You don't get the Inside Scoop? Sign up here.
Learn how to use Pinterest properly here.
Using social seriously has taken a tad of effort but now I'm enjoying it. Funny how that happens.
In today's blog-world, we have to "stop the scroll." How do you do that? We use better headlines that yes, may seem a "little" click-baity at first glance, but we need to make them "click-WORTHY" instead.
Use Ghost Craft for Existing Articles:
And that's where re-writing existing articles via Ghost Craft comes in mighty handy. Allow Ghost Craft to come up with catchy titles for you.
Use Ghost Craft for New Articles:
Obviously, you need to write an article that "means something," not just a fluff piece for ads to be displayed on. (Am I being naive saying that? Probably). But there's nothing more annoying than visiting a site and all you see are ads in the content column with a line of text in between them. You've seen 'em, right? And you click away. Fast.
Ghost Craft helps you:
... then all you have to do is:
And that's where Ghost Craft rises to the top. Give Ghost Craft your website's URL and let it go to work for you. It'll fetch articles related to your niche so you can pick and choose which you want to write about.
A really good niche to be in is "News." Everyone loves to read news. So now you can get it at the push of a button, and have a piece re-written just for you, in your tone, for your audience.
My websites are not "news" websites per se, yet I'm able to discover new articles I want to feature and focus on for my latest website which happens to be
📌 Let's take a closer look inside Ghost Craft, shall we?
Coming up shortly is an image showing the MENU that's on the left side in the app. The first thing you do is add your website's URL - but before we do that - here's the menu rundown:
Briefly - the Menu
Expanded - what they mean
I'm often asked, "Why go to the bother of rewriting existing pages on our sites?"
It's a great question and here are a few reasons why:
Take note of the three OpenAI Models: GPT-40; Claude 3 Opus; Gemini Pro. It's all included in your monthly sub, or go yearly like I did, to save a few bucks.
Pick your "Tone of voice" in the drop-down menu.
Add "Space Keywords" that are the keywords you've been using, garnered by your usual method(s).
Choose which "Point of VIew" the piece needs to be written in:
When Ghost Craft has written your desired post, it saves it inside "History," see the image below.
I could go on and on and on and on... but I've got pages to post, and so do you.
Make it easier on yourself.
Get Ghost Craft and give yourself a break.
Tell Axel Hunter, (Ghost Craft creator and owner in Oslo, Norway), that Susan Gast sent ya!
Here's the link to go get it.
Take advantage of the free trial like me and my buddy, Linda, did.
Yes, it's an affiliate link and I thank you very much for your support!