I have to tell you about Udio Music Maker: Create and extend clips to suit your song... as it's my alternative to Aitubo which are updating their app, so I can't use it. (Mumble, grumble). So, a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do, and that's switch apps (for a bit).
Ever been frustrated when learning a new app? It happens to all of us. So today, I'm sharing a few tips about Udio.com and how to get started creating totally awesome music that's rad.
Right, first, you can "start for free" but as I'm always sayin' the old adage: You get what you pay for. That's probably why I've spent thousands of dollars on apps over the years. I believe in paying for them.
There are a few ways to create it.
Over the years, I've fancied myself as a bit of a poet so writing lyrics isn't hard for me (but not saying I'm Bernie Taupin or Paul McCartney by any stretch of the imagination!)
The fun of writing the lyrics is what gets me up and out of bed in the morning.
But the hard part was writing the music. All my attempts at writing music sounded like I was tone-deaf. I'm not.
So along came AI music where you can either write a prompt about what you want, and it will create it. But to me, that's the easy way out. Not my cup of tea at all. And I'd feel bad saying I'd written it, you know, when clicking that "100% my own creation button"...
Apparently AI music has been trained on yes, you guessed it, artists. It's just the same thing as the big AI folks scraping all our website pages and books, then giving it back to us. Admittedly, oftentimes far better than what we wrote in the first place - and that's what drew a lot of folks to AI. Myself included.
So think of AI music as being the same thing as they get their input from tons and tons of scraped data whether it's music, or words. But I have to say that the VOICES are AMAZING. Look, I can sing (a bit), but not like a real artist. Bear in mind I said they "train" and not "copy" the artists songs and voices.
When writing lyrics with AI's help, it's really no different from writing this stinking page with AI! Thing is, you never know what you're gonna get. Delight? Or disgust!
But here I am doing what I'm doing: just typing away here - AKA - using your own noggin. So that's the way I use AI music apps; I write the songs that make the whole word sing... (oops that was Barry Manilow's line)... I write the poems that are then turned into music. It is a truly delightful experience.
Nope. Apparently you can't copyright something that's "machine made." But you can and should copyright stuff that's HUMAN made.
So what does that mean? It means that anyone can take your song, or book, and use it as a base for their song or book. Look, AI is "that young" for the masses that it's still a grey area, law-wise. I say "young" but they've been actively working with data for decades.
OK, you came here to learn about Udio.com and not my take on AI copyright, but all that stuff's important.
IF you go the "free" app route, then you MUST state on your work something like this for Udio: "Output by Udio.com" - again, when using their free version. I'm on the Pro Plan which is an intermediate plan, so I don't have to mention the "Output by Udio.com."
Having said that, my music site shows this at the end of this music track's page:
Cynical as hell, I know.
It gets you in the end,
Running on the treadmill…
© 2024 Lyrics by Susan Gast
Music: AI Generated
And that covers the fact that the lyrics were written by a human (me), but the music bed was AI generated.
After signing up, you'll see an area at the top for a prompt. Yep, a picture says a thousand words, here goes:
Point "A" at the very top is where you'll see the grey prompt helper and down below that in "suggestions" are the different genres. Click on one, or a few genres, and they'll be added to your initial prompt in area "A", separated by commas. You'll need to mouse click in the "A" area to be able to scroll to see what genres were added at the end... A bit cumbersome, TBH.
In area "B", you can see "udio-32" which provides 32-second clips for 2 credits. Below that in area "C", it's set up to auto-generate lyrics derived from your written prompt in the "A" area. Makes sense? Good.
When all is filled in (or out, depending on where you come from!) then hit the bright red "Create" button at the top, on the right.
Udio will then create TWO 32-second clips so you have a choice of which you like best. OK... so what's next?
THEN after choosing which one to go with, you select "EXTEND" to add another 32 seconds of music to that original piece.
After that's generated, you will again choose which of the two 1:04 (one minute and 4 second) tracks you prefer. Do the extending again, until you get around a 2-1/2 to 3 minute track overall.
I far, far prefer to write my own lyrics. But... get help with Claude or ChatGPT for sure - if what you've written doesn't sound professional - and they'll steer you in the right direction with a different word here or there to make it rhyme better, etc.
For going the "write your own lyrics" way, do this:
Right at the top in area "A", you'll basically add the genres (at least that's what I do) but you could provide a few-words as a hint as to what the song is about. Then, see in the image that I've chosen "udio-130" which generates a clip that's 2 mins and 10 seconds long and uses 4 credits.
TBH, I've never used the "C" area, but you COULD write the "hint" there that you wrote in area "A" - and just have the genres inside the "A" area. Use the "C" area for what the song is about. I do not know the maximum character lengths allowed in those input boxes.
NEXT UP: Write your lyrics! Well, you wouldn't write them directly in the field - you know what I mean - copy and paste your lyrics in area "B". Scroll to top and hit the red "Create" button!
Music "parts" separators:
and others.
Make sure the 'Chorus' etc. are wrapped inside square brackets so that the "AI vocalist" won't say those words out loud! I accidentally used regular parenthesis ( ) and they sang "Instrumental" as part of the song, LOL.
Please note that Udio.com is in beta right now. So be prepared to hear some amazing stuff, and some not-so-amazing stuff.
Go visit SupaBees.com and listen to the music I've created with Udio AND Aitubo. Because BOTH of my APPS are purchased apps, I have no need to use a disclaimer to state who wrote it, or how it was created.
As I said at the top of the page, Aitubo are in "maintenance mode" which totally sucks because I honestly think their output is slightly better than Udio.com.
Thanks for reading! Now go get composing. Yep, you can do classical music too! Create music beds for Films.
The sky's the limit.
Right, gotta go, got a song brewing in my head...