Welcome to my Book Review Journal.
Welcome to my
Book Review Journal.
Now you can keep ALL Your Reviews of 'books read' in ONE Place!
This special journal keeps all your book notes handy in one
place and it’s for those of us who keep getting asked, “What book would
you recommend I read next?” And lo and behold, you forget the title or
the author’s name…
Are you always lending out your books and then forgetting to whom?
►No worries; we have a check box for that. (And when they returned the book!)
Did you come across an awesome line in the book? Can’t recall quotes to save your life?
►We have an area for those, too.
For fiction fans, did you find characters worth making a note of?
►Yup, we have a special place to jot that down, too!
This 8" x 10" book is a great way to keep track of the books you've read.
Forgot who you borrowed it from?
Jot it down in the allotted space.
And if you borrowed it: When do I need to return it?
Again, use the allotted space to note 'when'!
This is such a neat cover, isn't it?
it has the perspective of a book lying flat on the floor when indeed it is a flat book cover with a blue stripe down the left-hand side - like it's an old-fashioned bound book!
Fooled ya!
The first four pages are blank "Table of Contents" we’ve called “Your find-it-quick reference” ~ ready for you to add the title of the book you’re reading, or have finished reading.
No need to flick through hundreds of pages trying to find “that book.”
The find-it-quick reference area makes it easy to locate.
We’ve included pages for one hundred and twenty books... Yes, 120! Now the fun begins! Read away!
And put your review in writing so you don't forget the details.
This book has been as handy as heck for me. I know it will be as “handy as heck” for you too!
Part of my job as an indie book author is to review books too. I need somewhere to keep track of what I've read; what did I say in their review? What were the most memorable quotes from their book? Did I like their character portrayals?
And there's a place for the plot summary. Why? Quite often, we voracious readers forget a book's plot line!
On a desktop computer, simply click on any of the images below to see them bigger. To exit the 'gallery,' click on the lower right-hand 'CLOSE X' button. (If you're on your cell phone, simply hit the '<' back button to exit the gallery.)
The "find it quick" reference pages have been a tremendous help. I don't have to flick through page after page to find the book I'd just finished reading and reviewing. It's RIGHT THERE, in the Reference area... along with the associated page number.
Journal Size: 8″ x 10″
so you can put it in your purse,
briefcase, big coat pocket,
or—sit it on your nightstand.
My Book Review Journal is the perfect companion for avid readers who want to thoroughly track and reflect on their reading. This 8" x 10" journal provides plenty of organized space to review up to 120 books.
Start by logging key information like the book's title, author, publisher, fiction and/or nonfiction genre topic, where you got it, and whom you shared it with. Useful prompts help you recall stand-out quotes. You'll then summarize the plot and key characters - and it's up to you if you don't mind giving away any spoilers!
The heart of each review is rating the book on a 5-star scale for
When you loan out books, there's a tracker area at the bottom of the page to list whom you lent it to and when - and if/when they returned it. This way you'll remember whom to follow up with if it hasn't been returned promptly.
My Book Review Journal understands what fuels book lovers. You'll always have your detailed reviews to look back on when recommending titles to friends or deciding what author to read more from. The Table of Contents lets you reference books by title and its corresponding page number in the journal.
Unlike digital apps, this planner lets you write freely with pens so you don't have to have your computer on. Make it creatively your own as you fill its 126 pages. Record your reading journey across genres, fiction/non-fiction, and more.
What will your reviews inspire you to read next? With My Book Review Journal, you'll never forget a reading experience again!