Cryptogram Special Mix
Vols 1 - 2

Special Mix

Vols 1 - 2

Welcome to Cryptogram Special Mix puzzles!

Welcome to
Special Mix

On this page, you'll find two large print puzzle books. The aim? Keep your brain busy with a pleasing variety of puzzles. Available as Volumes 1 and 2.

Cryptogram Special Mix consists of:
Crypto Groups, Code Words, Geography, Word Search, Letter Falls, Word Scrambles, and Shapely Word Searches

Cryptogram Special Mix
consists of:
Crypto Groups, Code Words,
Geography, Word Search,
Letter Falls, Word Scrambles,
and Shapely Word Searches

Have a blast with Susan Gast's BORED BOOMERS all-new Special Mix of Cryptogram-Style Puzzles!

Instructions are at the bottom of this page on how to solve each type of puzzle.

Featured puzzles are:


Cryptogram Special Mix
Puzzles – Vol. 1

Cryptogram Special Mix ~ Vol 1
Buy Now on Amazon - Cryptograms Special Mix Vol 1

Cryptogram Special Mix
Puzzles – Vol. 2

Cryptograms Special Mix Vol 2
Buy Now on Amazon - Cryptograms Special Mix Vol 2

Enjoy the cryptogram special mix books and banish that boomer boredom! Included are “how to solve ’em” instructions and their solutions, of course—oh, and they’re LARGE PRINT so you won’t squint!

Carefully printed with pride on 8.5″ x 11″ white paper. Great size, so you won’t lose it. Puzzle solvin’ time’s a wastin’… so while you get one for yourself, send a copy to your crypto-competitive best buddy, too!

Thanks for keeping my worker bees busy creating Cryptogram Special Mix books over at Beesville Books.
The Queen Bee

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PS—At the back of our book, we want you to tear out a page.

Why? We’ve included a Bored Boomers Bookmark so you can easily keep track of where you are in the individual sections of your cryptogram special mix book—so you won’t lose your place! It’s our gift to you.

Cryptogram Special Mix solving tips below

Cryptogram Special Mix
solving tips below

Patio + Boats - Special Mix

In Cryptogram puzzles, the words have their letters substituted with other letters in a code that remains the same for that puzzle set.

For example, every A might be a T, every E might be a W, and so on. The letter substitution is consistent in each individual puzzle.First up

in the seven puzzle varieties are Boomer Crypto Groups. Below each puzzle is its title, as in "Boats" and "Around the Patio."

Beneath those titles are items related to boats and patios. These are cryptogram-coded and need deciphering. Use the cryptogram rules explained above.

The Boats have their own code, and the Patio has its own code!

Patio + Boats - Special Mix

In Cryptogram puzzles, the words have their letters substituted with other letters in a code that remains the same for that puzzle set. For example, every A might be a T, every E might be a W, and so on. The letter substitution is consistent in each individual puzzle.

First up in the seven puzzle varieties are Boomer Crypto Groups. Below each puzzle is its title, as in "Boats" and "Around the Patio." Beneath those titles are items related to boats and patios. These are cryptogram-coded and need deciphering. Use the cryptogram rules explained above. The Boats have their own code, and the Patio has its own code!

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Code Words - Special Mix

Second in our seven puzzle types are Boomer Code Words.

These are laid out crossword-puzzle style, but instead of verbal clues, you have numbers.

Keep in mind that "E" repeats often, so you might decide that "8" = "E" (and you'd be right!) and that "9" = "S" (bingo!) in puzzle #1.

Every letter of the alphabet will be used, so make sure to enter the "E" in box "8", and "S" in box "9" ... and cross them off the alphabet grid below so you can keep track. Enjoy!

Code Words - Special Mix

Second in our seven puzzle types are Boomer Code Words.

These are laid out crossword-puzzle style, but instead of verbal clues, you have numbers.

Keep in mind that "E" repeats often, so you might decide that "8" = "E" (and you'd be right!) and that "9" = "S" (bingo!) in puzzle #1.

Every letter of the alphabet will be used, so make sure to enter the "E" in box "8", and "S" in box "9" ... and cross them off the alphabet grid below so you can keep track. Enjoy!

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Geography - Special Mix

Third up: Boomer Geography!

These puzzles comprise states in the US. The dot on the state represents a big city. The puzzle title is in the format of city/state.

Below the title will be nine more cities for you to decode.

Each puzzle has its own code to crack, so don't go thinking that if you've solved one, it'll be a piece of cake to crack the rest. Nope. Each state has its own code.

Geography - Special Mix

Third up: Boomer Geography!

These puzzles comprise states in the US. The dot on the state represents a big city. The puzzle title is in the format of city/state.

Below the title will be nine more cities for you to decode.

Each puzzle has its own code to crack, so don't go thinking that if you've solved one, it'll be a piece of cake to crack the rest. Nope.

Each state has its own code.

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Word Search - Special Mix

Fourth: We know how much you all love doing word searches, so no puzzle book of ours would be complete without Boomer Word Search puzzles!

With word searches, there's no code to crack, but it's your job to find all the hidden words!

Grab a pencil and circle them in the big chart as you go, then cross it off the "to find" list below.

Warning: the words can run backward, forward, up and down—and diagonally!

Word Search - Special Mix

Fourth: We know how much you all love doing word searches, so no puzzle book of ours would be complete without Boomer Word Search puzzles!

With word searches, there's no code to crack, but it's your job to find all the hidden words!

Grab a pencil and circle them in the big chart as you go, then cross it off the "to find" list below.

Warning: the words can run backward, forward, up and down—and diagonally!

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Letter Falls - Special Mix

Coming in at number five is Boomer Letter Falls. These are NOT easy, but here's a tip. Solve the author. Put the tilde (~) in its place ... see if you can spot the author's name in the end columns (out of the word grid below the empty boxes). Our letter falls are quotes from famous folk and include punctuation (so don't forget that!)

A black box separates each word. Below the top grid are the letters used. Each column's letters that you'll use for THAT column are directly below its column. In our example, you'll see that the first column down has 4 letters; the second column has only 2 letters; the third has 3. In fact, here's another tip: sort out the columns first that have only a few letters.

Letter Falls - Special Mix

Coming in at number five is Boomer Letter Falls. These are NOT easy, but here's a tip. Solve the author. Put the tilde (~) in its place ... see if you can spot the author's name in the end columns (out of the word grid below the empty boxes). Our letter falls are quotes from famous folk and include punctuation (so don't forget that!)

A black box separates each word. Below the top grid are the letters used. Each column's letters that you'll use for THAT column are directly below its column. In our example, you'll see that the first column down has 4 letters; the second column has only 2 letters; the third has 3. In fact, here's another tip: sort out the columns first that have only a few letters.

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Word Scrambles - Special Mix

Coming in at number six of our puzzle styles is Boomer Word Scrambles.

As the name implies, the words on the left are scrambled (no code-cracking necessary!)

Your job is to unscramble the letters.

Each puzzle has a title and that'll give you a great hint as to what the related scrambled words are!

These are pretty easy to solve after a stressful day. If you want something more taxing, go back to the Letter Falls! ;-)

Word Scrambles - Special Mix

Coming in at number six of our puzzle styles is Boomer Word Scrambles.

As the name implies, the words on the left are scrambled (no code-cracking necessary!)

Your job is to unscramble the letters.

Each puzzle has a title and that'll give you a great hint as to what the related scrambled words are!

These are pretty easy to solve after a stressful day. If you want something more taxing, go back to the Letter Falls! ;-)

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Shapely Word Search - Special Mix

And last, but certainly not least, are Boomer Shapely Word Searches coming in at number 7 in our variety of styles.

The worker bees at Beesville Books absolutely love putting these together. They're so much fun to create AND solve!

Some of the shapes have words related to the shape; some don't.

Simply circle the words in the big grid from the list of words shown directly below the shapely puzzles.

Shapely Word Search - Special Mix

And last, but certainly not least, are Boomer Shapely Word Searches coming in at number 7 in our variety of styles.

The worker bees at Beesville Books absolutely love putting these together. They're so much fun to create AND solve!

Some of the shapes have words related to the shape; some don't.

Simply circle the words in the big grid from the list of words shown directly below the shapely puzzles.

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For Cryptogram Purists:

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