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June 3, 2022 "Inside Scoop" example

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Susan's 'Inside Scoop' covers a range of Susan's nonfiction works: Puzzle Books, Audio Books, Food & Diet, and Prompt Journals.

Susan's 'Inside Scoop' also features 'freebie eebies' aka free eBooks! - and scoops on other Authors' related books that are both interesting and entertaining.

Can't wait to see you inside 'the scoop'!

June 3, 2022 "Inside Scoop" example

click image to see sample issue!

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Susan's 'Inside Scoop' covers a range of Susan's nonfiction works: Puzzle Books, Audio Books, Food & Diet, and Prompt Journals.

Susan's 'Inside Scoop' also features 'freebie eebies' aka free eBooks! - and scoops on other Authors' related books that are both interesting and entertaining.

Can't wait to see you inside 'the scoop'!